Cast of Kurulus: Osman
“Kurulus Osman,” which started on November 20, 2019, and has surpassed 150 episodes over 5 seasons, is one of Turkey’s long-running television series.
Turkey seems to love this type of series, as “Kurulus Osman” is almost always at the top of the ratings list every week. It shares Wednesdays with other series like “Şahane Hayatım,” “Sandık Kokusu,” and “Taş Kağıt Makas,” but “Kurulus Osman” consistently holds the top spot on the ratings list.
Kurulus Osman Plot:
Osman Bey, who moved his tribe to Yenişehir, will lay the foundations of his state in this city. One of the steps taken for this purpose will be to establish a ‘divan.’ The days of the instantly convened ‘toy’ are now behind. Osman Bey will establish a ‘divan’ with his Beys and hold consultations here. However, this ‘divan’ will also be an arena for those who pretend to be friends but are enemies within to reveal themselves.
As Osman Bey grows with the goal of establishing a state, he will have to contend with larger enemies. Fighting against enemies who appear friendly from within, Osman Bey will engage in a struggle with Byzantium on the outside. Osman Bey has set his goal; the conquest of Marmara Castle, which will open the way to Bursa and İznik!
Cast of Kurulus Osman:

Osman Bey (Burak Özçivit)
Osman Bey, the son of Ertuğrul Gazi, is the leader of the Kayı Tribe. From his marriage to Malhun Hatun, he had Orhan Bey, and from his marriage to Bala Hatun, he had Alaeddin Bey. With his determined and strong nature, Osman Bey struggles against his enemies and dreams of establishing a state. Osman Bey’s determination leads to the growth of the Kayı Tribe day by day. Known for his justice, Osman Bey also manages to defeat his enemies with strategic moves when necessary.

Malhun Hatun (Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy)
Malhun Hatun, the daughter of Umur Bey, is also the wife of Osman Bey. Raised by her father Umur Bey, Malhun Hatun’s siblings were martyred. Her son is Orhan Bey. Always by Osman Bey’s side, Malhun Hatun has a say in the affairs of the Kayı Tribe.

Bala Hatun (Özge Törer)
Osman Bey’in eşi olan Bala Hatun, aynı zamanda Şeyh Edebalı’nın kızıdır. Alaeddin Bey’in annesi olan Bala Hatun, Bacıyan-ı Rum teşkilatının başıdır. Fetih ve savaşlarda ön safta olan Bala Hatun, Osman Bey’in en büyük destekçilerindendir. Kayı Obası’nın en güçlü kadınlarından olan Bala Hatun, Osman Bey’e bağlılığını sürdürmüştür.

Orhan Bey (Emre Bey)
Bala Hatun, who is the wife of Osman Bey, is also the daughter of Şeyh Edebalı. As the mother of Alaeddin Bey, Bala Hatun is the head of the Bacıyan-ı Rum organization. Being at the forefront in conquests and battles, Bala Hatun is one of Osman Bey’s greatest supporters. As one of the strongest women of the Kayı Tribe, Bala Hatun has maintained her loyalty to Osman Bey.

Yakup Bey (Mirza Bahattin Doğan)
He is the Bey of the Germiyanids. He is a political genius who serves the unity of the Turks and Islam. He is fearless, boldly pointing his sword towards large armies. Yakup Bey’s dream is to establish a state and become a sultan. For this purpose, he fills his palace with scholars and strengthens his army. After a while, he becomes as powerful as the ruler of Anatolia, the Seljuk State. This situation feeds Yakup Bey’s arrogance. His arrogance will be his greatest trial. He always sees himself as right and considers anyone opposing him wrong. He makes all kinds of moves without mercy against those who stand against him.

Yunus Emre (Yusuf Gökhan Atalay)
His poems spread throughout Anatolia, uplifting the spirits of the people. However, he believes that this fame is a disaster, so he avoids it. He travels around Anatolia. With his hymns, he guides those whose hearts’ eyes are closed and those who stray from the right path. Yunus Emre’s path eventually crosses with the Kayı Tribe. He sees traces of the state that will take root in the world in Osman Bey. He provides spiritual support to Osman Bey and Orhan Bey in their difficult times.

Cerkutay (Çağrı Şensoy)
Cerkutay, originally a soldier of the Mongol commander Balgay, later joined Osman Bey. While among Osman Bey’s Alps, Cerkutay chose Islam and became a Muslim. Constantly eating and drinking, Cerkutay never loses his loyalty to Osman Bey and always stands at the forefront in battles.

Boran (Yiğit Uçan)
Boran Alp is one of Osman Bey’s close friends and loyal Alps. He is sharp-eyed, brave, and fearless, making him one of the beloved figures among the Kayı Tribe. Boran Alp avenged his wife, Gonca Hatun, who was killed by Julia.

İbrahim Bey (Erkan Bektaş)
Ibrahim Bey is in his early forties, sharp-witted, a man whom friends trust and enemies fear. Ibrahim Bey is the uncle of Süleyman, Candaroğlu Bey. He dethroned Süleyman and ascended to the Candaroğlu throne.

Ulcay (Ümit İbrahim Kantarcılar)
Ulcay is the leader of the wandering, nomadic band of Çavdar Tatars who came to the Anatolian lands with the Mongol invasion. In his early forties, Ulcay and his men engage in mercenary work for the Turkic Beyliks striving to become rulers after the Seljuk Empire to avoid disappearing in these lands.

Mehmet Bey (Emre Dinler)
Mehmet Bey is the eldest son of Yakup Bey. He is ambitious. If a Turkish state is to be established, his father Yakup Bey will do it, and then he will inherit all of it. Enslaved by his ambitions, he sees the Ottoman dynasty as his greatest rival and therefore believes that he should take everything in Orhan’s hands.

Alaeddin Bey (Ömer Faruk Aran)
Alaeddin, while passing through the education of his grandfather Edebalı, received weapons training from the Ahis and his mother, and he has trained himself very well in this field. He supports his warrior skills with his intelligence, and besides being a master in the use of weapons, he knows how to turn his agility against much stronger warriors. Being more dignified, Alaeddin approaches every issue calmly and finds rational solutions.

Fatma Hatun (Leya Kırşan)
Fatma Hatun has a cheerful nature. She is lively and can’t sit still. She is curious and deals with her family’s problems, trying to solve them. She is Osman Bey’s confidante. Fatma Hatun is very attached to her brothers.

Holofira (Ecem Sena Bayır)
She is the daughter of a Tekfur. Her father was killed when she was young. The biggest factor shaping her character is the death of her father and his absence! She has always had to be strong to tolerate this. Holofira has spent a lonely childhood, becoming a lonely young woman. She trusts no one. She has learned to fight to protect herself. She is very skilled with a sword. She is also adept at horsemanship. She has raised herself more like a warrior than a princess.

Gonca Hatun (Belgin Şimşek)
She is the daughter of Yakup Bey. She is calm and cautious. She never acts on her emotions. She is loyal to her father, Yakup Bey. She cares deeply about the future and happiness of her state. She is willing to do anything for it.

Ülgen Hatun (Begüm Çağla Taşkın)
She works in the mansion’s kitchen. She is the joy of Osman Bey’s mansion, warm-hearted. She is a woman who can embrace everyone with her love. She is responsible for the mansion and the children. She cooks very well. Laughter is never lacking in the kitchen.

Melike Hatun (Bengi Öztürk)
She is the wife of Candaroğlu Bey İbrahim. She is a very strong and intelligent woman. She has a noble stance. In addition, she is very proud. Knowing that the Ilkhanate Mongols stand behind the beyliks, she sees no one as a rival to the Candaroğulları. She is deeply devoted to İbrahim Bey. The future of İbrahim Bey and the Candaroğlu Beylik is more important to her than anything else. She supports İbrahim Bey every step of the way. She is not only his wife but also his confidante and advisor.

Gündüz Bey (Şekip Taşpınar)
Gündüz Bey is a bey in his forties from the Kayı lineage. He buried his wife and son after the Mongol raid. The only thing he values in life is his daughter, Elçim Hatun. Gündüz Bey is a just and honorable man. His only desire is to strive in the path of Allah and for the Turks to dominate the world. He trusts Osman Bey, who pursues the same cause as himself, greatly. He will stand by Osman Bey in every situation and condition.

Elçim Hatun (Yulduz Radjabova)
She is the only daughter of her father. She has been raised with care among her brothers. She is confident and proud, with a high self-esteem. She trusts herself greatly. She has never failed in any of her duties so far. She is skilled in horseback riding and swordsmanship. She is knowledgeable and has developed herself. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for her family and tribe. She is generous and compassionate towards her tribe.

Temirboğa (Tezhan Tezcan)
Temirboğa is a large, formidable warrior. He wears a chainmail armor covered with animal fur in a crisscross pattern, which is frightening enough to intimidate his enemies. Temirboğa is among the exiled commanders of the Seljuk State. During a period when the Mongols took over, he came to the frontiers with his loyal men and engaged in plunder and looting. Feeling abandoned even by the glorious state he trusted, Temirboğa has sworn never to serve under any banner again and has adopted the principle of living free and dying free.