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Oh my God! What Happened in the Kızılcık Şerbeti? (April 19th)

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The series “Kızılcık Şerbeti” was lively and exciting this week. The summary of the 59th episode, which aired on April 19, 2024, is as follows:

Nilay and Mustafa’s youngest son, Abdullah, falls ill. Naturally, Mustafa immediately panics and thinks that this is a repercussion of the curse due to the false accusations they made against Alev. Although Nilay disagrees, Mustafa is not at all at ease, and he wants to confess to Abdullah Bey that “Alev did not push his mother, Pembe Hanım, down the stairs, but that Pembe Hanım fell on her own.” However, Pembe Hanım opposes this and convinces Mustafa otherwise.

However, after some time, Mustafa talks to his mother, Pembe Hanım, again and tells her that he wants to tell his father that Alev is not guilty. Meanwhile, Abdullah Bey overhears Mustafa and Pembe Hanım’s conversation and learns the truth that Alev did not push Pembe Hanım down the stairs, that Alev is innocent. Upon this, Abdullah Bey goes to Alev’s house and apologizes to her.

Umut did not invite Nursema to the music album launch, and Nursema was not invited to the launch upon the producer’s request because Nursema’s head was covered. Umut secretly attends the launch, but Nursema catches him and learns the whole truth. Upon this, Nursema leaves the house…

Nursema goes to her father’s house and tells her family about the situation, saying that she wants to divorce Umut…

After pulling herself together, Nursema goes to Rüzgar and tells him that she wants to start working at the channel again. Rüzgar, who is already in love with Nursema, is very happy about this.

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On the other hand, Fatih and Görkem go to a nightclub to have fun, and as usual, Görkem gets drunk and loses control. Fatih forcibly takes Görkem home. When they enter the house, they are surprised to encounter Nilay. 🙂

Meanwhile, Görkem’s mother is seriously ill and on the verge of passing away. His mother calls Görkem and asks him to come to her, but Görkem says he can’t come today and will come tomorrow.

But it is already too late. Görkem’s mother passes away, and Görkem feels guilty and remorseful…

When Görkem and Fatih’s families go to the funeral home, Görkem’s father asks him why they couldn’t reach him, and Nilay answers, ‘your daughter came home drunk yesterday,’ and of course, Görkem’s father loses control. He slaps Görkem…

And if we come to the real final scene of the episode, Nursema goes home one last time to talk to Umut face to face. But Nursema encounters an unexpected scene.

Umut has brought another woman home, and they are caught in bed together by Nursema. Nursema sees them both naked in bed in a state of shock. Gathering all her courage, she moves forward to confront them…

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In the next 60th episode, we will see the new episode of the Rosehip Sherbet series, where everything has been revealed.

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