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Cast of Sen Cal Kapimi: Meet the Stars of the Romantic Comedy Series

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“Sen Cal Kapimi” is a Turkish television series in the drama and romantic comedy genres, produced by MF Yapım. The first episode aired on July 8, 2020.

Sen Cal Kapimi plot:

Serkan and Eda experience challenging days during Serkan’s cancer treatment. Serkan, who already has an obsession with illness, becomes a completely different person after surviving the disease. He develops a fear of attachment, declares that he never wanted a child, constantly postpones the wedding date, and devotes himself to work. Their relationship with Eda gradually deteriorates, and they eventually break up. Years later, when they meet again, both of them are in for a surprise.

Cast of Sen Cal Kapimi:

Eda Yıldız (Hande Erçel)

Eda Yıldız (Hande Erçel)

Eda is a city girl, a modern fairy. She is beautiful, intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, and outspoken. She brings color to any environment she enters, with a unique and original style in clothing, behavior, and lifestyle. Having compensated for the absence of her parents and the lack of family as an overly social child, Eda’s greatest passion is flowers.

A bit impulsive, she can’t help but speak her mind, but she radiates light wherever she goes.

Who is Hande Erçel?

Serkan Bolat (Kerem Bürsin)

Serkan Bolat (Kerem Bürsin)

Handsome, charismatic, a tough man. Highly educated, knowledgeable, and a ruthless businessman. He has expanded his father’s holding company from success to success. He knows how to turn the business world against him like a master chess player. He enjoys taking risks. He is obsessed with not losing, which is why he secretly fears love.

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Who is Kerem Bürsin?

Aydan Bolat (Neslihan Yeldan)

Aydan Bolat (Neslihan Yeldan)

Serkan’s mother. The only daughter of a prestigious family. She eloped with Alptekin Bey. However, their relationship, which started as a passionate love affair, fell apart. She is a woman who dislikes everything and everyone, wanting to control everything around her. She has agoraphobia but, especially thanks to her chauffeur Seyit, she is aware of everything happening in high society.

Who is Neslihan Yeldan?

Kemal Özcan (Sinan Albayrak)

Kemal Özcan (Sinan Albayrak)

Kemal Özcan was born in Istanbul. His parents worked for Aydan’s family for many years. His father is a groom. Kemal grew up with horses by his father’s side since childhood and fell in love with Aydan at first sight. Kemal is a handsome and mature man in his fifties. He has a relaxed and natural appearance. Having received what life had to offer, free from all ambitions, he now only seeks peace. He is attractive, intelligent, and sensible. He is orderly. He is introverted, shy, and keeps to himself. He does not like to show his emotions.

Kemal has worked in many parts of the country. Sometimes as a groom, sometimes in trade. When he saved enough money to live on, he returned to Istanbul. He has never married.

Ayfer Yıldız (Evrim Doğan)

Eda’s only family member. Her aunt. Very skilled, practical, and a quick thinker. To maintain Eda’s stability, she took over Eda’s mother’s florist shop. Ayfer is a crazy woman. Very fun, funny, but also very rude. She is straightforward, sincere, but like Eda, she is also volatile. She and Eda grew up together and ended up resembling each other. Ayfer is always Eda’s closest friend, her refuge, and her confidante.

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Who is Evrim Doğan?

Engin Sezgin (Anıl İlter)

Engin Sezgin (Anıl İlter)

Serkan’s partner. Emotional, unable to say no easily, and humane. He is the exact opposite of Serkan. He doesn’t know how to manage crisis moments, and his forgetfulness and lack of planning make every crisis worse. Engin’s emotional side also affects his relationship with women. He really wants to find the love of his life. But the result is always disappointment.

Who is Anıl İlter?

Melek Yücel (Elçin Afacan)

Melek Yücel (Elçin Afacan)

Also known as Melo. Eda’s childhood friend from the neighborhood. Plump, at peace with her body, a lively young woman. She has plenty of laughter, plenty of tears too… She loves dressing up, wearing jewelry, and accessories. She graduated from the home economics department and works part-time as a cashier and part-time as a hostess. She is obsessed with finding a rich husband and having many children. But every love affair ends in disappointment.

Who is Elçin Afacan?

Pırıl Baytekin (Başak Gümülcinelioğlu)

Pırıl Baytekin (Başak Gümülcinelioğlu)

An interior designer. A very chic, pleasant woman. She is sharp-tongued and tough with her colleagues; sweet as honey, smiling, and kind with clients. She is very successful in her work, very ambitious. She has taken on personnel management in the office even though no one wanted it. She expresses her opinions at every meeting. She can influence Engin, but she is afraid of Serkan.

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Who is Başak Gümülcinelioğlu?

  • Seyfi Çiçek (Alican Aytekin)
  • Erdem Şangay (Sarp Bozkurt)
  • Burak (Sinan Helvacı)
  • Kerem (Sina Özer)
  • Deniz (Ayşe Akın)
  • Pina (Doğa Özüm)
  • Kiraz (Maya Başol)
  • Can (Ahmet Efe Metekoğlu)
  • Selin Atakan (Bige Önal)
  • Ceren Başar (Melisa Döngel)
  • Ferit Şimşek (Çağrı Çıtanak)
  • Figen Yıldırım (Sitare Akbaş)
  • Leyla Haktan (İlkyaz Arslan)
  • Şef Alexander Zucco (Hakan Karahan)
  • Deniz Karsu (Sarp Can Köroğlu)
  • Balca Koçak (İlayda Çevik)
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