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TV Series with Cemre Baysel

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Currently starring in the Turkish drama “Leyla: Hayat… Aşk… Adalet…” Cemre Baysel is a Turkish television actress born on February 5, 1999, in Izmir, Turkey.

She began her television career in 2014 with a supporting role as “Gonca” in the Turkish series “Yeşil Deniz.” Later, between 2017 and 2020, she appeared as a supporting actress in several series, including “İsimsizler,” “Payitaht Abdülhamit,” “Elimi Bırakma,” and “Ramo.”

Cemre Baysel - Leyla
Cemre Baysel – Leyla

From 2020 to 2021, Cemre Baysel took on leading roles in the series “Sol Yanım” and “Baht Oyunları.” In 2022, she also starred in the lead role of the series “Senden Daha Güzel.”

The series that significantly boosted her popularity was “Sakla Beni,” which aired in 2023-2024, where she portrayed the lead character “İncila.” In 2024, she continued her role as the lead actress in the series Leyla.”

TV Series with Cemre Baysel

serien mit cemre baysel - tesil deniz

Yeşil Deniz (2014-2016)

In the series Yeşil Deniz, Cemre Baysel portrayed the role of Gonca Makasçı, marking her debut in the television industry. This supporting role made her known to the audience.

serien mit cemre baysel - isimsizler

İsimsizler (2017)

In the series İsimsizler, she played the role of Gülperi and continued her career with this significant role.

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serien mit cemre baysel - Payitaht Abdülhamid

Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017-2018)

As Firuze in Payitaht Abdülhamid, Cemre Baysel showcased her acting talent and gained greater recognition.

Elimi Bırakma (2018-2019)

In the series Elimi Bırakma, she played the role of Melis Çelen, one of the central characters, and gained attention with her impressive performance.

serien mit cemre baysel - ramo

Ramo (2020)

In the series Ramo, she played the role of Fatoş and contributed to the development of her career by further enhancing her acting skills.

serien mit cemre baysel  - Sol Yanım

Sol Yanım (2020-2021)

As Biricik Ergün in Sol Yanım, Cemre Baysel showcased her talent in the lead role and captivated the audience.

Baht Oyunu  - serien mit cemre baysel

Baht Oyunu (2021)

The romantic comedy Baht Oyunu, in which she starred alongside Aytaç Şaşmaz, marks a highlight in her career. With the role of Ada Tözün, she gained significant recognition.

serien mit cemre baysel - Senden Daha Güzel

Senden Daha Güzel (2022)

In the series Senden Daha Güzel, she portrayed the character of Efsun Armağan and was able to showcase her acting talents once again.

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serien mit cemre baysel  - Sakla Beni

Sakla Beni (2023-2024)

In the series Sakla Beni, Cemre Baysel plays the role of İncila Arıkan. This role marks an important turning point in her career.

serien mit cemre baysel - leyla

Leyla: Hayat… Aşk… Adalet… (2024-heute)

In the series Leyla: Hayat… Aşk… Adalet…, Cemre Baysel plays the role of Leyla / Ela and continues to advance her career.

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